
CreativeCorn – “Nigel Yeo Film and Photography”

‘Capturing great images that engage the viewer is what its all about, images that tell a story, that are interesting not just the people in them.’

A great image rarely has just one element, a story behind the image, elements which make a viewer look at a photograph over and over is so very important.

‘Composition, Lighting and Story are the key, when those three elements come together the viewer will want to look into the image and ask the questions, they wont just look they will be transported to the moment and ‘see’ as well.’

Born and bred in Cornwall England, Nigel has been a photographer for many years.

When did you realise photography was for you?

Many people can not put their finger on exactly when or what inspired them to start taking photo’s. The first time Nigel and his family realised he may well have a talent for catching moments on film was many years ago. It was 1976, the family were watching an air show at St Mawgan.

His father passed him the family Kodak camera, he recalls his father saying something like “get a snap of that boy… ” the Red Arrows were performing their display right in front of them. When the prints came back from the laboratory this photograph was one of the shots Nigel had taken that day, excepting the limitations of the camera I would say his timing was not bad for a 5 year old!

After leaving school Nigel become interested in 35mm film, being taught the technical aspects by one of my college lecturers and shown the differences in high end equipment, at this time he found it hard to finance his hobby, as anyone who has been interested in camera’s and lenses will know, quality does not come cheap!, this lead to him becoming disheartened and put his ambitions to become the next David Bailey on hold.

A few years later Nigel found himself able to buy the equipment he had so longed for. At that time he took great pleasure taking photographs for friends weddings.

Now with introduction of Digital his passion for photography has truly been revitalised. The ability to experiment with lighting and composition and see the result instantly has been truly amazing and has opened up a whole new chapter in Nigel’s photography and film making.

Initially a people photographer Nigel has been regularly shooting weddings since 2008, which he has found both exciting and photographically very rewarding, he also is known for his animal and action sports photography.

Nigel is extremely passionate about his photography and aims very high with his ambition, photographers such as Jeff Ascough with his amazing images and ability to capture moments really inspire him and set the bar very high.

What is you favorite image you have taken?

‘On the surface a simple portrait shot, but this image was taken on a wedding day, this shot was not staged, the father of the bride and his granddaughter seem to be deep in thought and sharing a precious moment together, many have said it appears the youngster is teaching her grandfather something. This is one photograph I really wouldn’t change anything on, the composition, the eye contact, the hands and little feet and the dress and buttonhole are all perfect. This is the most commented on photograph I have taken to date, and rightly so. I love it, I just wish it were me or my own family members in it.’